Thursday, February 17, 2011


After school the next day, Cinderella, exausted, went to sleep for awhile. She would do her homework and chores when she was more rested.
While Cinderella was sleeping, the same myserious lady from before came to speak with Cinderella. Anastasis woke Cinderella up and brought her to the lady.
At first, Cinderella was surprised that she had a special visitor that came just to see her. She asked what the lady's name was. 'My name is Fay. Short for Fairy.'
When Cinderella commented on her pretty name, thats when Fay told Cinderella who she was.
'Cinderlla, I am your Fairy Godmother!'
At first Cinderella was a bit angry. Did Anastasis set her up? But as Fay explained, Cinderella knew she was telling the truth.
According to Fay, things were going to get a lot better for her in the futre.
Cinderella decided that she wanted to make Fay her best friend. After all, she WAS her Fairy Godmother, and she really needed someone to talk to. Arlo wasn't her best friend anymore.
Cinderella and Fay talked for a very long time. So long, in fact, that it was dark by the time Fay left, and they were already considered 'friends'. Cinderella went to do her homework, chores, tend her garden, then sleepily went to bed. Although she was exausted, she didnt fall asleep quickly. She was full of wonder and questions.
Meanwhile, Anastasis had another 'friend' over.

More Appearances

The next day came. Cinderella started off with her duties then headed off to school with Druscella. Anastasis skipped school.

Anastasis decided to hang out at the park and around town. She called her boyfriend and asked to hang out with her, but he was going to school and would meet her after.
On the way to the park, Anastasis was stopped by a lady hanging around the small forest. The lady immedietly asked her to be more kind to Cinderella. Creeped out, Anastasis left.

 When Anastasis arrived at the park, she decided she wanted to make hotdogs.
 ...It didn't really work out.
 Anastasis slipped the burnt hotdogs into an awkward place and walked away.
Meanwhile, Cinderella's Stepmother watched TV the whole day. She literally didn't get up from the couch all day.
After school ended, Anastasis called her boyfriend again to confirm he was coming. He was on his way. Meanwhile, Cinderella headed home to do her chores, homework, tend her garden, make lunch and dinner, and go to sleep.
Cinderella was given a counter for her kitchen in her shed - only because her Stepmother wanted her to stay in her shed as much as possible.
Cinderella was also happy because she had earned $100 from her Oppertunity, and she is graded B! Now, in total, she has $115. She was very proud.
At the park, the young couple was very happy.
But, due to Anastasis' trait 'Mean Spirited', they soon broke up after they got together.
Anastasis headed home. By then, dinner was done and everyone except Cinderella was asleep.
Cinderella was finishing off her homework.
That night, Cinderella dreamed of the Teddy Bear she had wanted of a kid. She remembered that when she had finally saved up enough money, she had reacted out of jelously and bought something else.
She promised herself she would never act out of jelousy ever again.
Anastasis dreamed of - guess what - money. Lots and lots of money.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


That morning, Cinderella awoke with a low moodlet. First, she had a wish to bathe, so she had a bath.

But then there was just more to add to her cleaning job. She decided to call the repair man after asking Druscella if she could pay for it, in which she replied 'yeah, whatever'.
After making breakfast, delicious pancakes which her family devoured, and cleaning the house, she caught the schoolbus just in time.
That day, a myserious elder lady came into their big home. She told Cinderella's Stepmother that she needed to be more kind to Cinderella. Stepmother immedietly asked her to leave.
When school ended that day, Cinderella walked right back in to do an oppertunity. She would raise her school marks and get some cash in the end, and striving for an A and some extra money, that sounded pretty good to her.
Anastasis brought home a friend that evening.
After Cinderella finished her work, she went back to the house to do her homework, for she had to go to school the next day to finish the Oppertunity.
Cinderella decided, as everyone was busy and no one really noticed her, that she would do her homework in the main house.
She sat innocently, doing her homework, and listening to Anastasis and her so called 'friend'.
Cinderella almost laughed.
After homework, she went to tend her garden, bathe, finish her chores, make dinner, and go to bed. She was stunned by bright pink lights outside their house. They didn't own any pink lights...
While Cinderella was working, Anastasis and Druscella were on their computers and her Stepmother was playing video games. How lazy, Cinderella thought.
Cinderella smirked when she figured out who Anastasis was talking to.
Druscella was even a bit cross-eyed after.
That night, Cinderella went to bed satisfied.
Although she still wondered about those pink lights...

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Special Sunday

Cinderella awoke to - you guessed it - some cleaning to do. Luckily, she got the 'Neat' trait when she aged, so it went by pretty fast.
After cleaning, she went to make breakfast. She quickly earned two cooking skill points - baking muffins as a child really pays off.
Also, Cinderella was particularly joyous - her stepmother had actually given her some birthday presents! A sink, dresser, and... Shoes! Cinderella loved her new leather sandals. Even though the new sink, dresser, and her shoes were all old, she was still grateful.
Cinderella decided to go down to the library to read some skill books.

At the library that day, Cinderella earned one gardening skill and another cooking skill. She felt proud of herself.
She mostly hung around the library the whole day, and she had totally forgotten it was Anastasis' birthday today! Cinderella decided to skip the party. It was only a family party, with no friends, and she wasn't exactly invited, either. Anyway, she was pretty overwhelmed with all the changes in the last few days.

Anastasis is now a teenager too, and has earned the 'No Sense of Humor' trait.
Cinderella stayed at the library until 5:30pm, when she took her stepmothers car (without asking permsission) all the way home to make Hot Dogs for dinner. Except, Druscella saw her first.
Cinderella was threatened by Druscella, who said she would tell her Mother about Cinderella using her car. Then Druscella said that if she made Goopy Carbonara, she wouldnt tell.
Of course Cinderella agreed.
Druscella also added that Anastasis, Stepmother and herself were going out for the 'most expensive spa package' and won't be back until later.
That left Cinderella alone on a big property at night.

After some dinner, cake, and cleaning, Cinderella went to tend her garden and plant all the new seeds she got.

Cinderella went to bed soon after gardening. She dreamt about gardening and flowers, too.

For Cinderella, that was a pretty special Sunday. It was her first day as a teenager.
Little did she know what surprises she was in for.

Growing Up [Part 2/2]

Druscella is now a teenager!

Cinderella tried to be happy for her sister, instead of jelous. Extremely upset, she ran away to her shed.
 When Cinderella got to her shed, she had an idea. She grabbed her $30 from her little pouch and bought herself a birthday cake! She was going to have herself her own little party. And Flutter would be there for her, too.

Cinderella is now a teenager!

While Cinderella ate her birthday cake, she thought of a few things that needed to be done.
1) To plant her apple seed and learn the gardening skill.
2) To learn the cooking skill -  her stepmother warned her that from now forward she will be cooking most of the meals.
3) To release Flutter. Butterflies need to be in there natural habbitat, Cinderella decided.
4) To earn an A in Highschool, like she did in Elementary school.
6) To save up for some shoes.
After Druscella's party ended and all the guests left, Druscella headed up stairs with her presents (a football to play catch with, as Druscella had wanted, an expensive telescope, lots of money, new pretty carpeting, and many more things) and the rest of her family went to bed. Cinderella went to clean up and then went immedietly to her garden.

Cinderella went to bed that night full of cake, with rich soil under her fingernails, and with a happy (and mature, as Cinderella liked to think) heart.