Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Growing Up [Part 1/2]

That night, Cinderella had lots of dreams. Her first dream was about planting the apple seed and the seed growing into a huge tree. Her second dream was about cleaning the whole house in a very short time. Her last dream was about getting her very own pair of shoes.
Meanwhile, her sister Anastasis dreamt of money, and Druscella dreamt of jewels.

That day went by quickly. Cinderella and her stepsisters attended school, and, like usual, Cinderella had lots of cleaning to do, as well as homework. Cinderella check her garden that night, and, to her delight, found out that a new flower has bloomed in her garden. Cinderella excitedly went to bed that night. Tomorrow was her birthday!

 Cinderella dreamed about having a happy marriage to a nice man one day. She awoke really early the morning of her birthday, from excitement. Today she was going to grow up and mature! She would finally be able to plant her seed in her garden, cook meals, and go to highschool!

She ate an early breakfast of leftovers, did her chores, and by the time she was done, the sun had rised. She decided that, even though her sister Druscella, who had the same birthday as her, had planned a big party, she would have a great day, too.
First, she went to the park, and saw her friend Arlo. He had deffinetly grown up!
Then, Cinderella went to play on the swing sets. After that, she caught a butterfly and named it Flutter.

Eventually, she decided she wanted to go to the Library. When she got there, she didnt read any books, instead, she played with the public toys.
She was going to miss being a kid. After all, only sometimes was she actually aloud to be herself, be a kid.
Cinderella played for so long that she had forgotten all about her sister's party. The first guest had already arrived, and Cinderella wasn't even at the house yet! She quickly changed into her best dress and ran home.
The party was a success! Everyone had a great time. Except... Well, Cinderella. Did everyone forget it was her birthday, too? It sure seemed like it.

1 comment:

  1. HURRY UP AND PUT PART 2!! lol I can't wait to see what Druscella looks like! And Cinderella too! keep posting!!!!!
