Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Special Sunday

Cinderella awoke to - you guessed it - some cleaning to do. Luckily, she got the 'Neat' trait when she aged, so it went by pretty fast.
After cleaning, she went to make breakfast. She quickly earned two cooking skill points - baking muffins as a child really pays off.
Also, Cinderella was particularly joyous - her stepmother had actually given her some birthday presents! A sink, dresser, and... Shoes! Cinderella loved her new leather sandals. Even though the new sink, dresser, and her shoes were all old, she was still grateful.
Cinderella decided to go down to the library to read some skill books.

At the library that day, Cinderella earned one gardening skill and another cooking skill. She felt proud of herself.
She mostly hung around the library the whole day, and she had totally forgotten it was Anastasis' birthday today! Cinderella decided to skip the party. It was only a family party, with no friends, and she wasn't exactly invited, either. Anyway, she was pretty overwhelmed with all the changes in the last few days.

Anastasis is now a teenager too, and has earned the 'No Sense of Humor' trait.
Cinderella stayed at the library until 5:30pm, when she took her stepmothers car (without asking permsission) all the way home to make Hot Dogs for dinner. Except, Druscella saw her first.
Cinderella was threatened by Druscella, who said she would tell her Mother about Cinderella using her car. Then Druscella said that if she made Goopy Carbonara, she wouldnt tell.
Of course Cinderella agreed.
Druscella also added that Anastasis, Stepmother and herself were going out for the 'most expensive spa package' and won't be back until later.
That left Cinderella alone on a big property at night.

After some dinner, cake, and cleaning, Cinderella went to tend her garden and plant all the new seeds she got.

Cinderella went to bed soon after gardening. She dreamt about gardening and flowers, too.

For Cinderella, that was a pretty special Sunday. It was her first day as a teenager.
Little did she know what surprises she was in for.

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